Our Vision

Defend our human rights as indigenous peoples in the diaspora guided by decolonizing thinking, legal pluralism and the ancestral wisdom of our grandfathers and grandmothers, our right to self-determination and autonomy and the formation of self-government systems, strengthen our self-esteem, reaffirm our identity, languages, spirituality, integral development and the protection of our mother earth. Empower and Educate the new generations and individuals to share our ancestral knowledge.


The National Council of Indigenous Peoples is an ancestral entity of indigenous nations and peoples made up of Governments of Indigenous Peoples and Nations, communities, organizations, associations and Indigenous individuals committed to struggle against the conquest and for decolonization and dismantling of The Doctrine of Discovery which  was the legal framework for the eurocentric invasion, colonization, plunder and imposition in Abiayala.


Shape, organize, and advocate for indigenous communities, educating and sensitizing them for the recognition of human rights. Formulate strategies to solve problems and identify resources so that communities can solve their needs, promoting and protecting the intellectual property of the practices and customs of indigenous peoples and nations.

Generate awareness and visibility through educational sessions and audiovisual material shared with individuals and organizations.  Create strategic alliances with other entities to help national and international needs.


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